The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a globally recognized standards-setting body. Electrical Energy Experts is a Member. The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to the advancement of technology. Through its 365,000 members in 150 countries, the society is a leading authority on a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. IEEE publishes 30 percent of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields, and has developed more than 900 active industry standards. The organization also sponsors or cosponsors more than 300 international technical conferences each year. Additional information is available at the IEEE website.

NETA is the International Electrical Testing Association, an organization that defines the standards by which electrical equipment is deemed safe and reliable. Their Acceptance Testing and Maintenance Testing Specifications are among the most highly respected standards used in the Independent Electrical Testing field. Testimony to this is the fact that NETA is an accredited standards developer for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Since 1997, Electrical Energy Experts has been a full member of this organization. Membership in NETA ensures that the test technicians we provide to our customers are not only highly trained, but are also certified individuals. Certification guarantees that stringent educational and experience requirements are met, in accordance with published standards. In addition, certification as a company in NETA ensures the customer that we provide full service electrical testing as an independent third party, properly representing the customer with unbiased and objective test results. For more information, please visit NETA’s website.

The IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) is the largest electrical union in the world, representing about 750,000 workers’ rights. All of Electrical Energy Experts, LLC technicians are members of the IBEW, ensuring our customers that they are provided craftsmen with the highest skill and training available. The unified efforts of the IBEW do not merely provide advantages for the worker, but for the employer as well. Less turnover in a union environment provides a company with a more stable workforce, trained and dedicated. Union work-sites also rate higher in safety training and safety performance, due to the standards dictated by the common voice of concerned individuals. For more information, please visit the IBEW website.

The Electrical Training ALLIANCE is a local entity that provides exceptional apprentice training in accordance with standards developed by the National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC) and the State Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Committee. This training is provided by both on-the-job, as well as trade-related classroom training, to provide a well rounded individual and skilled craftsman. Potential applicants are required to meet minimum criteria, and also undergo an interview process by the Committee. The standardized training and education provided by the Electrical Training Alliance ensures that apprentices are provided with the professional skills required to excel in their field. Electrical Energy Experts, LLC is a consistent contributor to the Milwaukee Area Technical College’s apprenticeship training program through the Electrical Training Alliance. There we provide a forum of education, demonstration, and question/answer opportunities for new apprentices to experience a unique aspect of the electrical industry. Topics commonly include cable fault locating, high current injection testing, power quality, infrared scanning, and general electrical safety. For more information, please visit the Electrical Training Alliance website.

NECA is the National Electrical Contractors Association, which is an organization over 100 years old that is the voice of the electrical contracting industry. NECA provides education, research, and standards to the electrical industry as a means of increasing workmanship and training for a skilled workforce. In response to an ever-changing industry, they develop new publications and training events to fulfill the needs of their members. A good example of this is NECA’s National Electrical Installation Standards, which provides all members with a specification that is not merely code compliant, but that results in a more robust and reliable installation. Electrical Energy Experts has been a member of NECA since 1993. For more information, please visit NECA’s website.

Egalvanic is an innovative solution that addresses the need for a well-integrated, cost-effective system that can aggregate linear and nonlinear asset data, support rapid decision making, avoid data redundancy and duplication, and provide a single source of information for all stakeholders. Furthermore, eGalvanic automates asset management and maintenance processes, as well as equipment data collection and consolidation processes, thus reducing maintenance costs and human involvement, and improving asset reliability, safety and performance. Please visit the eGalvanic website here.